Thursday 18 August 2016

Automation Testing using SOAP UI

Thank you for making my blog successful. I am writing this post for those who have requested to write on SOAP UI.

SOAPUI is an open source tool for testing web services and SOA (Service Oriented Architecture). This functional testing tool is used for functional, regression and load testing.

SOAPUI is useful to create XML request and send it to server and get the response from Server.
We need WSDL to test using the SOAPUI. WSDL URL is nothing but the end point URL provided to test the web service. These endpoints are operating on messages containing information. The operations and messages are described and then bound to network protocol and message format to define and endpoint.

Once the SOAPUI is installed follow the steps given below to create test case -

1. Create New Soap Project from File Menu (Shortcut is Ctrl -N)

2. Enter Project Name

3. Enter WSDL and click OK (This is endpoint URL for testing. During actual work you may have your project specific)

4. This will create your first project to test and learn

5. Double click on Request 1and Click on (+) to add the test suite

6.  Enter name to create Test Suite and Click OK

7. Enter test case name and Click OK

8. This will ask you to enter request to test case. Enter the name. Click OK

Once the test case is created click on the RUN (Green Arrow). This will execute the test case. This will take few seconds. The request will send to the WSDL end point and the response will be received.

Now we will add some assertions. Assertions are nothing but validations. If assertion fails then the test case fails.

Once we have created all the test cases as mentioned above under the regression suite then we can run them from command prompt as well.

Testrunner.bat “C:\ParagTestBlog\SOAPTestProject.xml”

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